- Este debate tiene 1 respuesta, 1 mensaje y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 18 años, 2 meses por
14/10/2006 a las 00:31 #8041
MiembroHola a todos.
Quisiera que me ayudarais a resolver esta duda pues no se cual seria la mejor eleccion,entre ambos modelos por sus caracteristicas,pues creo que cada uno es diferente y esa es la duda que tengo pues no se cual elegir. -
01/11/2006 a las 11:24 #8230
ParticipanteLa mejor elección siempre depende de las necesidades de cada uno! La verdad es que ambos tienen muy buena pinta. X-Station tiene mejores características como interface de audio y parece que más controladores físicos. Ahí van las especificaciones, a ver si se aclaran dudas:
One part, 8-voice polyphonic
3 Oscillators, 17 Waveforms
2 LFOs, 32 Waveforms
Multimode resonant filter section with various filter options
Extensive modulation capabilities
Arpeggiator with latch
X-GATOR with latch
Direct streaming of synth into computer via USBKeyboard
Keys: 25 or 49
Type: Semi-weighted
Velocity curves: 7Pitch and mod wheel mechanism
Pitch wheel lever: Rubberised – centre return spring loaded left to right motion
Mod/control lever: Rubberised – spring loaded front to back motionX/Y touchpad
Touchpad: 1 x touch sensitive 45x60mm
Parameters: 2 assignable in X direction
2 assignable in Y directionLCD display
LCD: 2 x 16 character silver
Blue LED backlitMIDI interfacing
USB MIDI: 1 In/1 OutAudio Interfacing
Inputs: 1 XLR (with phantom power)
1 TS Jack
Outputs: 2 TS Jack (L/R)
1 stereo Headphones JackOther interfacing
Data ports: 1 x USB 1.1
Sustain pedal: 1 x 1/4” Jack InputControls
Rotary potentiometers: 11, 0-270° rotation
Rotary encoders: 1, 360° continuous DATA wheel
Buttons: 11 function switches
Group B switch
General operation: 4 Mode and Menu select buttons
Keyboard Octave Up and Down buttons
Synth Menus/Audio mode select button
Effect Select buttons (Synth Mode)
Template/Bank/Page Up/Down buttons
Line/Phones Volume potsGeneral
Battery operation: 6 x standard ‘AA’ Size
External power supply: Standard ‘centre positive’ 9V DC 600mA (Novation PSU6)
Size (25): 468 x 68 x 190 (mm) w x h x d
Size (49): 798 x 68 x 190 (mm) w x h x d
Weight (25/49): 1.4/1.6kgSystem requirements
Operating system: Mac OSX 10.2.4 or greater or Windows XP
Computer spec: Apple G3/400 GHz or Pentium 600 MHz or better
Interfacing: USB 1.1 compatible USB connectorTemplates (16 preset onboard, more available on Novation website)
1. Apple – Logic 7
2. Steinberg – Cubase SX3
3. Ableton – Live 5
4. Cakewalk – Sonar
5. Native Instruments – Absynth 3
6. Native Instruments – B4
7. Native Instruments – FM7
8. Native Instruments – Pro53
9. Gmedia – Oddity
10. Novation V-Station
11. Novation Bass Station
12. reFX – Vanguard
13. Linplug – Albino 2
14. Gmedia – Minimonsta
15. Spectrasonics – Atmosphere & Trilogy
16. User TemplateX-Station
Keyboard Mechanism
Keys: 25, 49 or 61
Type: Semi-weighted
Aftertouch: YesPitch and Mod Wheel Mechanism
Pitch wheel lever: Rubberised – spring loaded, centre return left to right motion
Mod/control lever: Rubberised – spring loaded, front to back motion or free running forward and backwardsX/Y Touchpad
Touchpad: Pressure sensitive
Parameters: 2 assignable in X direction; 2 assignable in Y directionLCD Display
LCD: 2 x 16 character silver. Blue LED backlitAudio
Audio inputs: 2 x combined 1/4” jack / XLR sockets
Phantom power: On/Off 48 Volts
Gain control: -60dB – +10dB signal range
A to D converters: 2 x 24 bit Delta Sigma
Audio outputs: 2 x 1/4” jack sockets
Digital output: S/PDIF – phonoMIDI and Audio Interfacing
MIDI ports: 1 x MIDI In; 2 x MIDI Out
USB: 1x combined MIDI and audio I/OEffects Processors
Effects: 2 x multi-effects processors
Type: Delay/Reverb/Chorus-Phaser/Compressor/Distortion/EQ (Bass-Mid-Treble)Controls
Rotary potentiometers: 20 – rotation 0 to 270 degrees
Rotary encoders: 4 – rotation 360 degrees continuous
Sliders: 9 – 30mm length
Transport controls: Rewind/Fast Forward/Stop/Start/Record
General Operation: Play/Template Common/Template Edit/Write/Global/Snapshot/Panic
Cursor/page control: Bank – page up/down; Program – cursor up/down; Inst Channel – cursor left/right
Keyboard control: Octave up/downSynth Architecture
Voices: 8
Modes: Program (monotimbral)
Memories: 200 memory locations programmed with the KS factory presetsSynth Oscillators 1, 2 and 3
Waveforms: Square/Saw/Variable Pulse/Tri/Sine/Double Saw/Double Tri/Double Sine/9 complex cycle waveforms
Noise Sources: White/Crack/Metal 1/Metal 2
Octave Range: Shift -1/0/+1/+2
Mod Env Depth: -64 to +63
LFO1 Depth: -64 to +63
PWM Source: Mod Env/Manual/LFO2
Ring Mod: 1 * 2
FM: 2 * 3
2 * 3 FM Level: 0-127
2 * 3 FM Mod Level: 0-127
FM Env Attack Rate: 250uS-20S
FM Env Decay Rate: 1mS-20S
Comprehensive aftertouch, breath and pitch/mod wheel control of both static pitch and modulation of pitchSynth Mixer
Osc 1 Static Level: 0-127
Osc 1 Mod Level/LFO1: -64 to +63
Osc 1 Mod Level/LFO2: -64 to +63
Osc 2 Static Level: 0-127
Osc 2 Mod Level/LFO2: -64 to +63
Osc 3 Static Level: 0-127
Osc 3 Mod Level/AD Env: -64 to +63
Noise Static Level: 0-127
Noise Mod Level/LFO1: -64 to +63
FM Static Level: 0-127
FM Mod Level/AD Env: -64 to +63Synth Filters
Frequency: 0-127
Slope: 12dB/24dB
Modes: Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass
Resonance: 0 to self-oscillation (24dB mode)
Mod Env Depth: -64 to +63
LFO 2 Depth: -64 to +63
Keyboard Tracking: 0-127
Velocity: 0-127
Overdrive: 0-127
Q normalise: 0-127
Comprehensive aftertouch, breath and pitch/mod wheel control of both static filter freq and modulation of filter freqSynth Amplifier & Modulation Envelopes
Velocity: -64 to +63
Attack: 250uS-20S
Decay: 1mS-20S
Sustain: 0-127
Release: 1mS-20S
Delay (Mod Env): 1mS-20SSynth LFO1 – LFO2
Modes: Cyclic/One-shot
Waveforms: Sine/Tri/Saw/Squ/Sample & Hold/Sample & Hold/Quantize/Random 24 Intricate Wavetables
Speed: 0 Hz-1kHz
Delay Fade In: 0-5SSynth Effects
Reverb: Level/Echo Chamber, Small Room, Large Room, Small Hall, Large Hall, Grand hall/Decay/Wheel Level
Chorus – Phaser: Level/Rate/Type/Feedback/Mod Depth/Centre/Initial Position/Wheel Level
Distortion: Drive/Compensation/Wheel Level
Panning: Position/Mod Depth/Speed/Initial Position
Delay: Depth/Time/Feedback/Stereo Width/Ratio/Wheel LevelGeneral
Battery operation: 6 x standard ‘C’ size 1.5 Volt dry cells or rechargeable cells
External power supply: Standard ‘centre positive’ 9V DC 600mA (not supplied)
Size: Width = 468mm; height = 68mm; depth = 278mm (25-key version)
Size: Width = 798mm; height = 68mm; depth = 278mm (49-key version)
Size: Width = 963mm; height = 68mm; depth = 278mm (61-key version)
Weight: 2.5Kg (25-key version)
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